1975-76 Wrestling

Record: 7 - 7
2nd Taylor U. Inv.
4th Ashland C. Inv.
2nd WLSC Inv.
27th NAIA National Tour: 13 1/2 Points

1st Row, L to R: Lenny Iovine, Gene Monteleone, Vance Delsignore, Fred Pepper, Matt Doyle, John Vrotsos, Jim Fuentes.

2nd Row, L to R: Greg Sweitzer, Steve Fails, John Brock, Gerald Ward, Mickey Podnar, Duncan McDonough, Jeff Carroll, Mgr. Randy Mizer.

3rd Row, L to R: Jeff Sweitzer, Jim Bennett, John Vdovjak, Kevin McClain, Lawrence Hunt, Rick Hall, Shawn Crosier.

4th Row, L to R: Coach Vince Monseau, Terry Brinker, Merle Tournay (Co-Captain), Mike Cain, Joe Zajac, Rick Link (Co-Captain), Tim Dowler, Charley Richards, Steve Mabbott.

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